The JumpSmart Rules...

OK. It’s about to rain here: brutal. The other day on our Twitter account we tweeted about one of our favourite products, the Jumpsmart Electronic Trampoline, and how it would be a great toy for indoor active fun. As cool as Twitter is… it’s no place to relate a lot of info. So here’s what we meant :)

The Jumpsmart Trampoline is like a mini indoor trampoline with a handle for little kids (ages 3+ and probably 4-5 years old is the sweet spot) to hang onto and bounce like crazy. Now that in itself would be enough to make a great toy but we’re always looking for those extra-special toys here and the Jumpsmart is no exception! Underneath the trampoline there is a sensor; every time you bounce, it triggers the sensor. The whole thing is hooked up to a mini-speaker in the handle, and the result is silly sounds while you bounce (bonk, boing, smash!). Awesome! Even better is the fact that it goes beyond the silly sounds… it counts while you bounce, plays games as you bounce, and asks you simple questions that you need top answer with a certain number of bounces on the trampoline.

Kids can’t get enough of this toy either… check out the video that we made with some little friends of Mastermind involved!

Also: very important! It has a volume control :) And we don’t recommend adults bouncing on this trampoline because it does have a weight limit… but we maaaaaaaay have tried. C’mon it’s raining out and we’re toy people. Cut us some slack.

---- Ryan the Toy Buyer