Our online box program

Our President noticed that we:

  • Get a LOT of cardboard boxes from our suppliers, since toys are packed inside when they’re shipped to us.

  • Send a LOT of cardboard boxes to our website customers, since the orders ship to them packed in a box.

  • And that we were sending the first batch of boxes to the recycling plant, while purchasing NEW boxes for our website orders

…and he said to himself: “Hmm… this is a bit crazy.”

The logic is that it is always better to re-use something when you can, even if it is ultimately recycled. Recycling still uses energy, so best to re-use where possible.

So we’ve launched a “re-useable box program” for our website! We’re going to pack the orders in the same boxes that come to us from toy suppliers. They aren’t as pretty as the nice new boxes that we purchase, but they do the job just as well AND they introduce a new use for the box.

We’re hoping our customers will see the logic just like our President did! What are your thoughts?