We’re going on Canada AM this week! Jon Levy, our head buyer and one of the owners of Mastermind Toys, will be showing some of our great summer toys on Canada AM on Wednesday AND Thursday morning. We’re really excited because this will be a great venue to show some of our most popular toys. We also promised them that we will not break any part of their set with flying toys. It’s just that we love flying toys, you see…

Here’s the scoop:

On Wednesday morning at around 8:45 AM EST Jon will demo some of our hot outdoor toys for the summer. One of the toys we’re bringing is the DynaFlyer Propeller Plane. It’s an electronic propeller-driven plane with a twist: no batteries (I will pause while our parent readers get themselves up off the floor. You heard right. No batteries!)

On Thursday morning at around 8:45 EST Jon will show some of our great toys for indoor play, travel, and camp fun. One of the highlights here will undoubtedly be the Spinmallow Marshmallow Roaster. You’ll be the coolest at the campfire with this toy: extend the metal fork, stick a couple marshmallows on the end, and then hit the button so that they spin around for a perfect roast! The spinmallow also has a built-in flashlight to find your way back to the tent! Cool.

We’re really looking forward to the appearances and we’ll be sure to post behind-the-scenes pics and comments here on the blog! So tune in for toys!

-- Ryan the Toy Buyer

Check out our Dyna Flyer Video, too!