Go on a Backyard Safari

DanTheToyMan here with my favourite summertime toy pick! Personally I was a curious kid (that’s code for science geek) and I loved to explore. That’s why my pick is the Backyard Safari Bug Habitat (Mastermind Toys Number 69077), and the Backyard Safari Bug Vacuum (Mastermind Toys Number 65153). These fantastic toys allow you to collect bugs (without having to touch them!) and put them into their very own habitat. It also comes with its own convenient magnifying glass for you to look at them! (*The vacuum comes with 4AA batteries so you don’t have to worry about going out to buy some!)

How it works is you use the vacuum to suck up the bugs (don’t worry it won’t kill them as long as you don’t hit them with the vacuum). The bug is then trapped in a plastic container which can be easily detached from the vacuum. Place the plastic container over the hole into the Safari Bug Habitat and voila! You have your bug for as long as you’d like. Although once you’ve satisfied your curiosity it’s nice if you could let it go home.

What better way to get out of the house and explore your surroundings? It’s great for at home AND the cottage. It’s sure to entertain for hours! See how many different kinds of bugs you can collect. Who says you have stop learning just because schools over? And who says learning can’t be fun!? If you see any of those people just send them my way and we’ll set the record straight. That’s all for now, happy collecting!
