GoGo's Crazy Bones Craze

Crazy is definitely the operative word for this exciting toy! GoGo’s Crazy Bones are all the rage this summer and are available in all of our Mastermind stores in Toronto, Canada as well as online at www.MastermindToys.com . If you’re just starting to hear about Crazy Bones not to worry, here’s a little rundown to bring you up to speed. Crazy Bones are small collectable figurines that are used to play games, of which there are many different variations; a few of the different GoGo’s Crazy Bones games are explained below. (This information comes direct from Crazy Bones’ website, a great source for more Crazy Bone information!)

The Traditional Game
: Each player takes turns throwing Crazy Bones in the air at the same time. Your score depends on how they land.

On The Line: First, draw a straight line on the ground. Each player then throws a Crazy Bone (no rolling aloud in this one) and the player who’s Crazy Bone ends up closest to the line is the winnder.

Battle: Two players line up separate rows of six or seven Crazy Bones in rows about six feet away from each other. Next, each player takes turns flicking their Crazy Bones with their fingers to try to knock down the other person’s line of Crazy Bones. The winner is the first person to knock down all their opponents Crazy Bones while they still have at least one standing!

Bowling: Every player puts the same number of Crazy Bones on the ground approximately 6 inches from the wall. Each player then takes turns trying to knock down as many as possible!

Sounds exciting doesn’t it? There’s all different kinds of Crazy Bones available so be sure not to miss out!
