Well there may not be an all encompassing ‘force’ connecting everything in the universe giving special telekinetic powers to Jedi Knights, but a new Star Wars toy by Uncle Milton Industries will give you a taste of what it might feel like!
The toy is called the Star Wars Force Trainer. Using a special headset, the Force Trainer lets you literally use your brainwaves to control a sphere within a plastic tube. By using intense focus, the user is able to raise the training sphere within the tower! How does the Force Trainer work? Is it really the "force" from Star Wars in action?
Well... kind of! The Force Trainer actually measures specific brainwaves in your head that are generated by intense focus (among other things). The more you focus, the more waves you generate. The Force Trainer then measures these waves, and depending on how strong they are, they power a small fan at the bottom of the tube. The more you concentrate, the harder the fan works, and the higher the ball climbs!
The effect is really cool; Ryan the Toy Buyer tried it at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in Germany and he tells me that it really does feel like you are lifting the ball with your mind. Very Jedi.
The Star Wars Force Trainer is from Uncle Milton Industries, and it is part of a wider line of Star Wars Science Toys that will be released later this summer. The Force Trainer and the rest of the Star Wars toys will be hitting Mastermind Toys’ shelves soon so be sure to watch out for more updates on this exciting new product!
You can even read about the Star Wars Force Trainer in USA Today:
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