Remember when you were a kid, and you wanted to create a place that was all your own? So, you'd set up the bed, chair and dresser accordingly, put a sheet on top and viola, you had your own space! Then you'd crawl underneath, sit down and the whole thing would crash around you, and no matter which way you pinned down the corners with heavy objects it always managed to fall!?

The Fortamajig ($49.95, 3+) will definitely change all that! What it is, is a large (8 feet X 8 feet), square-shaped, piece of fabric that has many stretchy Velcro tabs all around it. To use, hook the tabs to anything, anywhere you want and create a really cool, tent-fort! Made of a very durable, water-resistant material, the Fortamajig can be used inside OR outside, and it is completely washable!

It's great to hook up over-top of the bed, between chairs, between trees and comes in an awesome LIME GREEN colour! Not only that, there is also a mesh panel for those inside the tent to scope out the area and survey any visitors! It also includes a cool tote bag so you can bring it with you everywhere you go!

This toy is great for sparking the imagination and encouraging creative play while removing the frustration of a sheet that just won't stay put! AND by using only Velcro loops, there are no hard pieces to break or loose! Get a couple and you can make a whole tent city! Don't be surprised if you want to join in on the fun!

--Lisa the Toy Whiz