For the past month we have been having difficulties sending our eUpdates to Rogers and Yahoo! e-mail accounts. For some reason their servers have our eUpdates listed as unsolicited e-mails even though customers have requested to be put on our list. We have tried to contact several departments and have been sent in circles by Yahoo!’s customer service in an effort to solve this problem. So far, both services have failed to provide any concrete information as to why our eUpdates have been placed on this list.

If you have a Rogers or Yahoo! e-mail address you should feel cheated because we’ve had some great deals over the past few weeks and you have not even been given the chance to take advantage of them. These are not in-store specials. The only way you can find out about these promotions is if you receive our emails and print off the coupon.

Fortunately, there are other ways to get around this e-Update problem. Over the next few weeks we will be launching our promotion coupons and deals through our Facebook and Twitter sites in addition to sending out our eUpdates. If you’re not receiving our eUpdates, become a Fan on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter to learn about our weekly promotions.

If you would still prefer to receive our promotions and specials by email, please contact your e-mail provider and ask why they are censoring your e-mails.
