Our Winter Book Sale is on In-Store!

Attention Readers! We are once again holding our Winter Book Sale at Mastermind!

Our Mastermind Toys stores are up here in Toronto, Canada, home of the world's coolest tall building (you may have a tall tower, Dubai, but ours looks like a ROCKET SHIP) and also the NHL's saddest hockey team (siiiiiiiigh), and the winter months tend to drag on. People here know that this is the best time to grab a book, fake sick so you can stay home from school or work (I'm pretty sure our bosses won't read this... right?), and curl up by a fire. So what better time for a giant book sale??

The reason we have this sale, where you can buy a huge selection of books in any of our bricks and mortar stores at 40% off, is that we are constantly adding new and exciting titles to our lineup, so we often have to move out some of our older stock. These are all still great books for kids... junior novels, story books, and more... and it's a great opportunity to grow the library. The sale runs for only a couple of weeks, and it's only available in the stores.

So if you're in our area, drop into the stores to grab some great kids books, talk about the rocket-like quality of the CN Tower, and bemoan the Maple Leafs and their resolute stance on not winning (siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh).

-- Toy Buyin' Ryan
Also... is it just me, or does the image of the glasses on top of the pile of books make that look like a book monster with an angry mouth? "I eat grammar for BREAKFAST rrrrrr"