Cool news for those of you in the East end of Toronto; this weekend, at our Beach store location, we have some folks from over at GoGo's Crazy Bones coming by for a cool demo!

They'll be at the store on:

Friday July 24 from 4PM-8PM

Saturday July 25 from 12PM-6PM

Sunday July 26 from 12PM-5PM

Come on out for a cool demo, FREE GoGo's Crazy Bones... and of course LOTS of regular GoGo's Crazy Bones stock available as well (it's pretty hard to find these days since Crazy Bones have been so popular!)

If you AREN'T familiar with the GoGo's Crazy Bones Craze yet, you can start with our previous post about it, as well as our video on the subject here:

-- Ryan the Toy Buyer